Earth Construction and Tradition

Volume I

von: Hubert Feiglstorfer


29 EUR


„Earth construction and tradition“ is a series of publications with a wide spectrum in the field of building with earth on an international scope. The publication deals with modern and historic architecture as well and gives a certain focus on building traditions, be it in their original, developed or newly defined form. This book contains 20 articles written by 37 authors. The contributions are subdivided in four groups which define the structure of the book: part 1 ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY part 2 CONSERVATION part 3 RECENT ARCHITECTURE part 4 MATERIAL RESEARCH

Titel: Earth Construction and Tradition
Autoren/Herausgeber: Hubert Feiglstorfer

ISBN/EAN: 9783900265342

Seitenzahl: 303

Sprache: Englisch