Urban Culture in Focus
Volume 2
von: Erich Lehner, Davide Fassi
20 EUR
During two weeks in February 2006 experts from European and South East Asian institutions came together in Thailand to exchange views onthe future cultural development of the city. Within the framework of the EU-funded project CITY CULTURE IN MOTION, workshops and a seminar were held at Chula Longkorn University Bangkok.
In „Volume 2“ a selection of the papers presented in Bangkok is published in order to give an impression of the variety of topics raised by participants from Austria, Indonesia, Italy, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam and the United Kingdom.
Titel: Urban Culture in Focus
Autoren/Herausgeber: Erich Lehner, Davide Fassi, Luciano Crepsi, Agnese Rebaglio, T. Yoyok W Subroto, Petra Gruber, Ulrike Herbig, Samer Bagaeen, Karin Stieldorf, Andrea Rieger-Jandl, Prabal Thapa, Bambang H Wibisono, Heidi Pretterhofer, Giuseppe Longhi, Ula SchneiderAusgabe: 1. Auflage
ISBN/EAN: 9783900265076
Seitenzahl: 213
Format: 19 x 18 cm
Gewicht: 650 gSprache: Englisch, Thai