Ulrike Herbig

  • *1968 in Eisenstadt, Burgenland
  • 1986-1995 Studium der Geodäsie an der Technischen Universität Wien Feb.
  • 1989 Sprachstudien in Indonesien und Australien
  • 1995 Sponsion zur Diplomingenieurin der Vermessungstechnik
  • 1995 –1996 Forschungsreise zur Erprobung der 3×3 Regeln der Architekturphotogrammetrie
  • 1997-2002 Doktorat in Vermessungstechnik
  • seit 2002 Gründungsmitglied und Generalsekretärin des Instituts für Vergleichende Architekturforschung (Institute for Comparative Research in Architecture)
  • seit 2007 Universitätsassistentin am Institut für Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege, Fachgebiet Außereuropäische Architektur, Technische Universität Wien

Forschungsschwerpunkt im IVA
Interdisciplinary recording and documentation of architecture
Multimedia and GIS
Public participation for the recording of cultural heritage
Interrelation between natural and built environment
Traditional architecture in European and non-European regions
Simple methods for photogrammetric recording of architecture
Innovative recording methods

  • 2011-2013 TRABASA – Traditional Architecture – Building Survey in Saudi Arabia, funded by the King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, Project Coordination
  • 2011-2013 ASSIP Architecture, Space and Society in Post disaster Built Environments in Indonesia, funded by the FWF, Austrian Science Fund (P22898), Project Coordination – Architecture
  • 2005-to date Traditional Architecture on Nias. Cooperation with P. Gruber, funded by the Vienna University of Technology, Project Coordination
  • 2009-2012 TransEcoNet Transnational Ecological Networks, funded by European Union-Regional Development Fund-Project Leader
  • 2003-to date Comprehensive Documentation of the Architectural Cultural Heritage of Indonesia
  • 2009 Recording of the Maiden Tower Baku, Azerbaijan, funded by a Azerbaijan private company , Project Coordination
  • 2009 Recording of the viaducts of the Semmering Railway, funded by the ÖBB-Austrian Railway, Project Coordination
  • 2007 Photogrammetric usable recording of Armenian churches in Armenia and Georgia, private funden
  • 2002-2004 Cultural Heritages of Western Samoa and Fiji Islands. Cooperation with E. Lehner (Institute for History of Architecture and Historic Building Survey, Vienna University of Technology) and H. Mückler (Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna) funded by IVA-ICRA Institute for Comparative Research in Architecture
  • 1998-2003 Inventory of architectural buildings in Vienna. Cooperation with the Institute for Preservation and History of Arts, Vienna University of Technology
  • 1998-2003 Franciszeischer Kataster. Topochronological analysis of historic maps for the GIS of Vienna; in cooperation with the Scientific Society for Archaeology Vienna


Book Chapters and Journal Articles

  • Gender roles and women’s influence on traditional architecture and its development in Indonesia: a case study from Nias“; presented at the second National Built Heritage Forum, Eastern Province, 2012, in print (together with G. Weichart and J. Breuling)
  • „Vernacular architecture in post-disaster contexts of reconstruction in Indonesia“; Proceedings of the HERITAGE, 2012 – 3rd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, in print, (together with G. Weichart and F. Zamloyi)
  • „Searching for Tradition in Post-Disaster Architecture: A comparison between Nias and Yogyakarta“; Proceedings oft the ICIAP 1st Biennale, International Conference on lndonesian Architecture and Planning, Vogyakarta, 2012 (together with G. Weichart)
  • „Interactions of landscape and architecture – field reports from Central European border regions“; final publication of the EU funded project TransEcoNet, Dresden, in print
  • „Reed as building material – renaissance of vernacular techniques.“; Proceedings of International Symposium on Advanced  Methods of Monitoring Reed Habitats in Europe, Illmitz, 2010 (together with F. Zamolyi)
  • „Das Adlitzgrabenviadukt der Semmeringbahn virtuell dokumentiert“; proceedings of: Von Handaufmaß bis High Tech. Aufnahmeverfahren in der historischen Bauforschung. Interdisziplinäres Colloquium, Cottbus, 2010, (together with I. Mayer, P. Ferschin, I. Kulitz)
  • „Photogrammetriegerechte Architekturdokumentation“; In: F. Zamolyi and T. Szilágyi (Hrg.), „Gesellschaft und gebaute Umwelt: Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der Sozialwissenschaft, Ethnographie und Architektur“IVA, Wien, 2008
  • „Alte Technik – Neue Methoden – Amateurphotogrammetrie“ In: E. Lehner al. (Hrg.), „Bautraditionen in Samoa“, Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag NWV, Wien, 2007
  • „Settlements and Housing on Nias Island: Adaptation and Development.“; In: Trans Urban (eds), City Culture in Motion, vol. 2″, IVA, Wien, 2006 (together with P. Gruber)
  • „Documentation of Traditional Architecture on Nias Island – Before and after the Disasters.“ In: „Kulturelles Erbe und Neue Technologien: Archäologie und Computer“. Proceedings of the 11. Internationale Tagung Kulturelles Erbe und Neue Technologien, Stadtarchäologie Wien; CD-Rom, 2006 (together with P. Gruber)
  • „Research on Environmental Adaptation of Traditional Building Constructions and Techniques in Nias.“ The ISPRS – International Archives of the Photogrammetric, and Spatial Information Sciences, 2005 (together with P. Gruber)
  • „Navalis – Providing the Base for a Village Development Tool in Navala“; FijiProceedings of XXIst International ISPRS Conference, 2004 (together with F. Zamolyi)


  • „Jeddah, the door to Mekka“ – in the Project TRABASA, presented at the the 17th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, Wien, 2012, proceedings pending
  • „Architecture and Culture of Northern Sumatra and Nias“, Documentary film, 2005
  • „Südseearchitektur – Bautraditionen auf Samoa und Fidschi“. ; Documentary film, 2003 (together with A. Rieger)

Mail herbig@tuwien.ac.at