
Call for Papers

Issue 7 _ 2013/14: AIR

Air is an important element for human beings as well as for all life in general. Fresh air to breath is essential, and therefore influences houses as well as settlements, villages and cities as a whole. Good ventilation is important for a healthy environment, and therefore the issues of air are discussed among town planners and architects at least for the last hundred years, when the Industrial revolution led to densely packed cities without proper ventilation.
But also outside the European discourse of health within a city, air is shaping cities and houses. In the absence of air condition, people invented many different systems to cool down the air, such as the wind towers of Iran (Bādgir) are impressive constructions to make the inner areas of homes comfortable, but also the water fountains in courtyard houses help to cool down the air. In cold regions the heated air will be led through circulation systems to use the maximum of the hot air. Both systems do not only effect the appearance of houses, and therefore shape the villages and cities. Such techniques to improve the micro climate are also used in the public open, from canopies to trees and the shape of roads. In this issue of JCCS-a the many different approaches, aspects and tendencies will be discussed.


  • Submission of abstracts: Friday, 2nd August 2013
  • Notification of acceptance: Friday, 9th August 2013
  • Submission of full papers: Friday, 29th November 2013

Issue 8_2013/14: FIRE

In evolutionary biology, it is believed that the triumph of human beings was mainly caused by the use of fire. By using fire it was possible to cook, an important issue for digestion and also health since bacteria were killed – a technique that cannot be used by any other animal until today. Being so important, fire plays until today an essential role in our lives, and with this in our environment. Hearths and cooking places are not only pure working spaces, but communicative places within a house. Fire is also used in many rites around the world, such as cremations, or are holy elements, like for the Parsi. On the other hand, fire is also destructive, when buildings and whole neighbourhoods can be destroyed by it. Therefore protection from and cautious use of fire shapes buildings and neighbourhoods. The many different aspects of fire will be outlined in this issue.


  • Submission of abstracts: Friday, 2nd August 2013
  • Notification of acceptance: Friday, 9th August 2013
  • Submission of full papers: Friday, 29th November 2013

Instructions for authors

Submission of a manuscript

Manuscripts must bei submitted either in English or German, and must be original, unpublished work that is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should be submitted in either MS word or as a plain text file.
The manuscript will be subject to peer-review by two referees (see below)
Manuscripts should be sent as an attachment to:

Peer review Policy

The practice of peer review is todate an objective on all major scientific journals. It is necessary to ensure that good research is published. Thus, the referees play an important role in order to maintain high standards of papers that are to be published in the Journal of Comparative Cultural Studies in Architecture.
Referees reports:
Referees are asked to evaluate whether the manuscript:

  1. Is original
  2. Is methodologically sound
  3. Follows appropriate ethical guidelines
  4. Has results wich are clearly presented
  5. Have sound conclusions
  6. Have correct references of previous work

A referee’s report is normally finalised after 8 to 10 weeks time after initial submission. When both reviewer’s comments are sent back to the editor, a letter will be sent to the authors summarising their arguments and will give one of the four decisions:

  1. Accepted
  2. Accepted with minor revisions
  3. Accepted with major revisions
  4. Rejected

The procedure in detail:

Initially, one of the editors evaluates all manuscripts and rejects those that are insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws, are badly argued and written, or do not deal with the scopes and topics of the journal. Authors of such manuscripts will be informed within two weeks after receipt.
Papers, that meet these first set of criteria will be passed on to two experts for review. Suggestions for referees from authors are welcome but may not be used.

Preparation of a manuscript

The manuscript must be typed on A4 paper, with 3cm margins, if available using the font “Verdana”. The maximum length for manuscripts is 40 000 characters including spaces plus a title page of approximately 3 500 characters (including spaces).
Clearly written and concise manuscripts should comprise:

Title page A (page 1):

A concise and informative title The full names of authors as well as affiliations of all authors and mailing address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author. An extended abstract of approximately 3000 characters with spaces in English. Keywords: up to five keywords for indexing purpose

Title page B (page 2):

For manuscripts that are submitted in German, an extended abstract in German is necessray, too, of approximately 3000 characters. For manuscripts written in English a German abstract is necessary, of about the same length. For those authors who are not able to do this by themselves, please indicate this on page 2.

Introduction (page 3):

The introduction should clearly indicate the aims and objectives of the work and should include key references.
Body of the paper


The discussion should emphasise the significance of the research findings, limitations, and relevance to previous studies.


Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references. Generally, the Harvard system should be used. In the main text surname and year of the document should be inserted (Name, year). To cite more than one author delimit the authors by commas or &. The phrase et al. can be used if there are more than 3 authors. In the appendix cites should be used as follows:


Adams, D. (1979) The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, London, Pan Books.
Milne, A. A. (1924). When we were very young, London, Methuen & Co. Ltd.

Journal Articles:

Musterman, C. & Smith, K. (2004). Comparing structures in villages. Journal of Vernacular Studies, 1(2), 209-222.

Web sites:

Herbig, U., (2006). Notes on GIS in architecture [Online]. Available:

Additional Information:

All necessary copyright information has to be noted at the end of the paper (after the references).
Acknowledgements should be added at the end of the paper (after the references).

Tables, figures, illustrations:

Each table, figure and illustration must be sent as an extra file. Authors are responsible for supplying print-ready files in .jpg format. Minimum resolution is 300dpi. Figure captions must be attached to the body text (appendix) with arabic numbering, a clear explanation of the content of the illustration as well as the file name of the illustration. Authors are required to secure permission for reproduction of all figures, tables and illustrations.


The Journal of Comparative Cultural Studies in Architecture is an online journal. Currently, the online papers can be donwloaded for free. Additionally, each corresponding author will receive one bound copy of the journal. Additional copies can be purchased upon request.


Submission of a manuscript to the Journal of Comparative Cultural Studies in Architecture will be taken to imply that it offers original unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. By submission authors agree that the copyright for their paper is transferred to the publisher as soon as the paper is accepted for publication. Copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the paper, including all sorts of reproduction, including translations.