Buchpräsentation: Yangon Echoes Inside – heritage homes
Virginia Henderson, Tim Webster
Das IVA – Institut für Vergleichende Architekturforschung lädt Sie herzlich zu folgendem Vortrag ein:
Zeit: 23.06.2016, 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Technische Universität Wien Hörsaal 7 - Schütte-Lihotzky Hörsaal 1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 13, Stiege VII, Erdgeschoß
Yangon Echoes welcomes readers behind the façades of heritage buildings to offer intimate views on life in the cosmopolitan city formerly known as Rangoon, Burma.
An unprecedented work of oral history, Yangon Echoes is a rich anthology of fascinating life stories exploring notions and values of heritage and home. This popular history of buildings charts social space and urban folklore, linking past to present via living memories.
The storytellers speak of joy and tragedy, simple pleasures and aching issues, candidly sharing their thoughts and feelings of living through Yangon’s emergence from decades of stagnation to engagement with a rapidly spinning world. Told with courage and charm, these informal stories record everyday life through domestic connections to old places.
Over two years, Virginia Henderson, an oral historian, and Tim Webster, a photographer, interviewed 57 residents of dozens of historic buildings around Yangon, most of them more than 100 years old.