Adapting Dome’s Housing for Java Post Disaster Yogya Lectures Part 1
Prof. Dr. M. Eng. Ikaputra
Zeit: 15.05.2008, 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Technische Universität Wien Hörsaal 8 , Stg. 7, 1. Stock Karlsplatz 13 1040 Wien
Recently International Solidarity becomes a vital component in responding promptly efforts and requests for supports to exchange international knowledge and technology that would help disaster relief both at emergency response and reconstruction phase. This massive international organization, by nature, introduces „their owned culture and mission.“ It has happened at The Post Java Earthquake since its event in May 26, 2006. A Dome as „a new imported culture“ in Java and as first housing shape in Indonesia is promoted to be one of nature’s strongest buildings by Dome for the World (DFTW). It is resistance to fire, tornadoes, earthquakes, and it is inexpensive. The new dome culture has been lived and soon attracted many people since April 2007. The study aims mainly to understand how families who live in this new housing response to localize the Dome Culture and adapt to their owned family needs.
Prof. Dr. M. Eng. Ikaputra is a lecturer at the Department of Architecture & Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta-INDONESIA. He also a Chairman of the Campus Planning and Design Commission in his University and Chairman of the Center of Universal Design and „Diffability“ (CUD“D“) at his Department. In relation to Reconstruction for Post Tsunami Aceh and especially for Post Java Earthquake, he used to be a Coordinator for University Post Disaster Recovery of Physical & Infrastructure sub division. He involves in community services as well as does research related to Post Disaster reconstruction. He gave several lectures abroad related to Post Disaster reconstruction, among others at UTM (Malaysia 2005), TU-Vienna (Austria, 2005), Namseoul University (South Korea, 2005), IUP University Indiana (USA, 2006), Kobe University (Japan, 2007 & 2008). The latest publication related to disaster was a chapter titled: „Towards Disaster Preparedness District Planning through Spatial Risk Assessment. Case study of Bantul Post Java Earthquake 2006,“ in book (2007) ’The Yogyakarta Earthquake of May 27 2006’