Bamboo Architecture For Communities
Andrea Fitrianto
Der Fachbereich Baugeschichte::Bauforschung der Technischen Universität Wien und das IVA Institut für Vergleichende Architekturforschung laden Sie im Zuge der Vortragsreihe ZEITRÄUME herzlich zu folgenden Veranstaltungen ein:
Zeit: 08.05.2014
Ort: Technische Universität Wien Hörsaal 7 – Schütte-Lihotzky Hörsaal Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien
Bamboo is versatile plant with range of use from food to basketry to construction. In the age of resource scarcity, bamboo construction and technologies have been providing alternative for disaster-stricken and marginalised urban poor community.
Andrea Fitrianto is a young Indonesian architect who has been working for several years with the Jakarta-based NGO Urban Poor Consortium (UPC). He was one of the team of architects who spent almost two years in Banda Aceh, working with Uplink on its project to assist the Udeep Beusaree Network of 26 coastal villages to completely reconstruct their houses and villages, after they were destroyed during the catastrophic December 2004 tsunami. Further works include e.g. an alternative school and kindergarten (Bogor) and community meeting places (Yogyakarta) in Indonesia, a Bamboo bridge in Davao City/Philippines, etc. He has held workshops on bamboo construction for emergency shelters and bamboo weaving in Thailand, the Philippines, and Indonesia. His work is based on participatory planning, involving communities, local craftsmen and volunteers.