Bamboo For Shelter After Disaster Yogya: Lectures Part 2
Prof. Dr. MSc Jatmika Adi Suryabrata
Zeit: 29.05.2008, 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Technische Universität Wien Hörsaal 8 , Stg. 7, 1. Stock Karlsplatz 13 1040 Wien
Shortly after the earthquake disasters in Java that has caused 300,000 houses collapsed or severely damaged and 6,000 casualties, the Government of Indonesia along with international and local communities have responded to help the affected communities through emergency programs followed by reconstruction and recovery programs.
While, during reconstruction phase, the Government has concentrated its effort in the reconstructions of permanent housing, the international communities focused their programs on providing transitional shelters (t-shelter) and disaster risk reduction programs. Within 7 months more than 70,000 bamboo t-shelters have been built by the international NGOs in addition to unaccounted large number of t-shelters built by local NGOs and communities
The quick implementation of t-shelter program has prevented further deteriorations of community health due to unhealthy living conditions under tents and tarpaulins donated to the affected communities as part of the emergency responses. The much better living conditions under t-shelter have significantly improved the community resilience.
The bamboo t-shelter program in Java is believed to be a good example on how international communities work hand in hand with local government and communities in carrying out the reconstruction programs. Due its many advantages, bamboo could also be used as shelter after disaster elsewhere.
The presentation outline collaborations between local universities, NGOs and communities in carrying out the construction of t-shelters comprising design development, training, construction and supervision.
Prof. Dr. MSc Jatmika Adi Suryabrata is lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Planning, Gadjah Mada University and also practicing Architecture and Urban Design. He was deeply involved in the reconstruction programs in Java earthquake disaster primarily in the Shelter Cluster consisting International and national humanitarian organizations. During the reconstruction he became a technical consultant for UNDP/UNOCHA, IOM, IFRC, JICA, ASB, CHF International and others.
He has led a number of teams from UGM to have a joint taskforce with IOM constructing 16 000 bamboo t-shelters, with IFRC implementing community training and producing booklet on earthquake resistant constructions, with CHF and Relief International implementing some livelihood programs.
Currently team member for the development of Handbook on Bamboo and peer reviewer for Handbook on Timber, which will become international guidelines to the planning, use, procurement and logistics as a construction material in humanitarian operations.