CORE HOUSE: An Extensive Life Support Post Disaster Study Case of Yogyakarta Post Earthquake 2006/ BAMBOO T-SHELTER. Its utilization in post emergency
Prof. Dr. M. Eng. Ikaputra, Prof. Dr. MSc Jatmika Adi Suryabrata
Zeit: 06.11.2008, 18:00 Uhr
Ort: Technische Universität Wien Hörsaal 7, Stg. 7, Erdgeschoß Karlsplatz 13 1040 Wien
Im Anschluss Getränke und Platz zum Plaudern am Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege
Ikaputra, Ph.D is a lecturer at the Department of Architecture & Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta-INDONESIA. He also a Chairman of the Campus Planning and Design Commission in his University and Chairman of the Center of Universal Design and „Diffability“ (CUD“D“) at his Department. In relation to Reconstruction for Post Tsunami Aceh and especially for Post Java Earthquake, he used to be a Coordinator for University Post Disaster Recovery of Physical & Infrastructure sub division. He involves in community services as well as does research related to Post Disaster reconstruction. He gave several lectures abroad related to Post Disaster reconstruction, among others at UTM (Malaysia 2005), TU-Vienna (Austria, 2005), Namseoul University (South Korea, 2005), IUP University Indiana (USA, 2006), Kobe University (Japan, 2007 & 2008). The latest publication related to disaster was a chapter titled: „Towards Disaster Preparedness District Planning through Spatial Risk Assessment. Case study of Bantul Post Java Earthquake 2006,“ in book (2007) ’The Yogyakarta Earthquake of May 27 2006’.
Jatmika Adi Suryabrata is lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Planning, Gadjah Mada University and also practicing Architecture and Urban Design. He was deeply involved in the reconstruction programs in Java earthquake disaster primarily in the Shelter Cluster consisting International and national humanitarian organizations. During the reconstruction he became a technical consultant for UNDP/UNOCHA, IOM, IFRC, JICA, ASB, CHF International and others.
He has led a number of teams from UGM to have a joint taskforce with IOM constructing 16 000 bamboo t-shelters, with IFRC implementing community training and producing booklet on earthquake resistant constructions, with CHF and Relief International implementing some livelihood programs.
Currently team member for the development of Handbook on Bamboo and peer reviewer for Handbook on Timber, which will become international guidelines to the planning, use, procurement and logistics as a construction material in humanitarian operations.