Historic Earthen Constructions In Czech Republic In The Context Of Central Europe
Zuzana Syrová
Der Fachbereich Baugeschichte::Bauforschung der Technischen Universität Wien und das IVA – Institut für Vergleichende Architekturforschung laden zu folgendem Vortrag ein:
Zeit: 28.05.2015, 19:00 Uhr
Ort: TU Wien; Hörsaal 7 – Schütte-Lihotzky Hörsaal, Stiege VII, Erdgeschoß; 1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 13
The building construction manifestations of the historical Czech lands (Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) are similar to those of other Central European countries, with whom they share the history of the Habsburg monarchy with all its interventions in construction since the 16th century. In this region, earth was used mainly in conjunction with wooden support as wattle and corner timbering or timber framework, which both are characteristic for the medieval period. With the exception of unbaked bricks the massive earthen walls are present only in Moravia, especially in the lowland regions of its central and southeastern part where construction materials other than soil were difficult to obtain. Cob, stacked or coffered bread-shaped pieces (války), rammed earth and adobe still make an important contribution to the existing building stock of this region − not limited to vernacular buildings. The earthen techniques and their history will be demonstrated by several examples identified by inventories and historic structures analysis.