Traditional houses inside the Balkans and Turkey developed during the Ottoman rules
Lana Kudumovi
Der Fachbereich Baugeschichte::Bauforschung der Technischen Universität Wien und das IVA – Institut für Vergleichende Architekturforschung laden Sie in Kooperation mit der Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vak?f Üniversitesi und dem Yunus Emre Enstitüsü – Türkisches Kulturzentrum Wien herzlich zu folgendem Vortrag ein, im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe Vernakuläre Architektur in Anatolien:
Zeit: 03.12.2015, 19:00 Uhr
Ort: Technische Universität Wien; Hörsaal 14a, Stiege III, 3. Stock; Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien
The Balkans lands marked as border of great civilizations were faced with profound changes after they were taken by the Ottomans starting with 14th century. With the establishment of the Ottoman rules this region was introduced to the new religion, culture and philosophy of the Islam. Acceptance of new religion was deeply affecting different aspects of life such as social, economic, cultural, etc.
Socioeconomic changes were followed by emergence of entirely new cities with the Islamic character as well as by urban transformation of existing structures and fabric. Urban development during the Ottoman period could be classified as spontaneous following needs of inhabitants without previously prepared plan or model. City shaping accomplished by the Ottomans were following principles of differentiation on two basic parts: residential quarter-mahalle and commercial part charshi.
Extraordinary picture of traditional neighbourhood (mahalas) inside the Balkans and Turkey are determined by numerous examples of preserved traditional old houses developed mostly during 18th and the 19th century, constructed with wooden frame, and facades with typical elements such as: vestibules with wooden columns, open porticoes, richly decorated wooden ceilings, etc.
Ambiental values of those houses are recognized in a way of adopting to the climate, nature, surroundings, terrain morphology, what was succeded in a way of setting houses, providing for each house enough sunlight, respecting vistas and cult of neighbouring and integrating water as accompanying element of Islamic architecture.
Already established concept of the house division into the selamluk and haremluk has been penetrating deeply inside the Balkans. As a good example can be used Svrzo’s house from Sarajevo, preserved examples of the Ottoman residential architecture.Several functional unites designated as Courtyards and gardens, The older women’s house, The men’s house, The bachelors’ house, The young women’s house, are the same elements that could be found in a typical Anatolian house deliberated with the same functional elements as the example from Balkans.
It is easy to make parallel line between many preserved housing structures inside Anatolia and inside the Balkans. Comparison among them could guide us to understand the manner of spatial organization that was almost same.
Lana Kudumovi architect, Lecturer at Faculty of Architecture and design, at Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University in Istanbul. Holds PhD in the field of architecture and urban design /preservation of built heritage/, at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She was working as collaborator at Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo and IRCICA (Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture) in Istanbul. Author of several scientific papers, published and presented in different international conferences and journals. She has participated at several research projects (Kor?ula, Preservation of the Old Town of Kor?ula, 2010-2013; Al Quds 2015 / Jerusalem) as well as design projects. Her research focuses on urban heritage preservation and management.