The Architecture of the Classical Ottoman Period and Mimar Sinan
Prof. Dr. Suphi Saatçi
Der Fachbereich Baugeschichte::Bauforschung der Technischen Universität Wien und das IVA – Institut für Vergleichende Architekturforschung laden Sie in Kooperation mit der Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi und dem Yunus Emre Enstitüsü – Türkisches Kulturzentrum Wien im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe “Development of Turkish Architecture“ herzlich zu folgendem Vortrag ein:
Zeit: 21.05.2015
Ort: TU Wien; Hörsaal 7 – Schütte-Lihotzky Hörsaal, Stiege VII, Erdgeschoß; 1040 Wien, Karlsplatz 13
In the 16th century the Ottoman architecture achieved imperial dimensions. Architect Sinan brought the turkish architectural tradition to a successful synthesis and established the classical ottoman architectural style. In addition to his architectural abilities, Sinan was also a great structural engineer. Upon the instructions of the Sultan, Sinan made many aqueducts for the Kırkçeşme urban water provision project. This presentation will enable an introduction to the biography of the ingenious architect Great Sinan and the most important masterpieces of his magnificent works.
Prof. Dr. Suphi Saatçi was born in Kirkuk in 1946. After completing his primary and secondary education in the same city, he attended the State Academy of Fine Arts in Istanbul (Devlet Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi, now Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi) and earned his Master’s degree in architecture there in 1974.
After graduating, he worked as a freelance architect specializing in the field of historic preservation.
He also worked as a consultant to various firms and institutions active in this field. He attended the doctoral program at the Restoration Department of Istanbul Technical University’s Faculty of Architecture, and graduated from the program in 1993. The title of his dissertation was Kerkük Kenti ve Ev Mimarisi (The City of Kirkuk and its Residential Architecture).
After becoming Associate Professor in 1994, he began to teach at the Historic Preservation Department of the Mimar Sinan Vocational School. He became Head of Department in 1997 and Director of the Vocational School in 2002. Shortly afterwards, he became professor (November, 2002).
Saatçi, who is married and has a daughter. He has presented numerous papers at national and international symposia and conferences, and has published many articles and research papers. He is also the author of the following books:
– Kerkük Çocuk Folkloru (Children’s Folklore in Kirkuk), Istanbul, 1984 (2. edition, 2008)
– Mimar Sinan (Architect Sinan), Istanbul, 1987
– Mimar Sinan’ın Yapılarında Kitabeler (Inscriptions on Architect Sinan’s Buildings), Istanbul, 1988
– Mimar Sinan ve Tezkiretü’l-Bünyan (Architect Sinan and Tezkiretü’l-Bünyan), Istanbul, 1989
– Mimar Sinan and Tezkiretü’l-Bünyan (English Edition), Istanbul, 1989
– Irak Muasır Türk Şairleri Antolojisi (Anthology of Contemporary Turkish Poets in Iraq), Ankara, 1991
– Kerkük’ten Derlenen Olay Türküleri (Kirkuk’s Incident-Depicting Ballads), Istanbul, 1992
– Tarihi Gelişim İçinde Irak’ta Türk Varlığı (Turkish Presence in the History of Iraq), Istanbul, 1996
– Kerkük Güldestesi (A Compilation on Kirkuk), Istanbul, 1997
– Kerküklü Mehmet Rasih Öztürkmen -Hayatı ve Şiirleri- (Mehmet Rasih Öztürkmen of Kirkuk-His Life and Poems), Istanbul, 2001
– Tarihten Günümüze Irak Türkmenleri (Turkmens of Iraq Throughout History), Istanbul, 2003 (3. edition, 2007)